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BPA-Free Food Cans Goal: We’re Nearly There!

Do you read the back of food items while shopping for groceries? If you do, you might have read about BFA-free lining and why it’s a good feature for food cans.

Food manufacturing companies avoid the controversial chemical—bisphenol-A (BPA)—for product packaging due to the health hazards associated with it. BPA can easily seep into consumable items and affect the human nervous system. Consumers are now looking into safer alternatives that are free from BPA.

But how far have we come along? Is BPA-free lining the future of packaging? Here’s all you need to know about the alternatives of BPA linings and the future of canned food packaging.

Alternative Food Can Linings:

Food cans have had BPA-based epoxy resin since 1960 to protect the metal from rust and corrosion. The target is to keep the content of the can safe from contaminants, but unfortunately, BPA lining fails to achieve that.

To avoid the potential risk of health hazards of BPA-contaminated food, manufacturers are adopting other stable compounds to line food cans. Acrylics and polyester are now being used as alternatives to bisphenol-A. Other materials are also being tested by regulatory bodies to make this transition easier and safer.

Future Goals:

With the increased demand for BPA-free products, manufacturers are committed to switching to safer options. Companies are investing millions of dollars in finding alternatives for this chemical to make the whole idea feasible. Although this transition is challenging, packaging manufacturers still seem determined to eliminate this compound from their products.

In 2015, ConAgra updated its services to remove BPA from their packaging. The famous food manufacturer, Campbell Soup Company, also announced to remove bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) from their can linings, in March 2016. This indicates that although the growth is gradual, there is a significant transformation at play in the market.

Sustainable Food Packaging:

BPA-free alternatives might be expensive for some businesses, but it’s a great investment with long-term benefits. Canned food can tackle increasing food wastage. They provide a ready-to-use option for consumers and last longer.

Using BPA-free lining proves to be a plus when it comes to buying canned items. It encourages people to buy canned items without the risk of added chemicals or health hazards.

It’s high time that companies begin to optimize their packaging by switching to BPA-free options. If your business is struggling to make the switch, get in touch with Premium Vials.

Our packaging solutions include, but aren’t restricted to, BPA-free plastic as well as glass jars and wholesale metal tins.

Call us today at (888) 545-3117 to learn more about our discounted rates.

2nd Apr 2020

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