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Choosing a Concentrate Container for Your CBD Oil Product

CBD concentrates remain by far the most potent and purest forms of CBD products on the market today. Obtained from the hemp plant and filtered to produce the strongest concentrations, they pack in maximum benefits and relief for conditions like seizures, panic attacks and pain to the very last ounce (oz).

Typically, CBD concentrates are sold as either higher viscosity extracts or thin oils. With the former, manufacturers have a lot of room to play with in terms of what container to use for storage. But when it comes to packaging the slippery variants of the concentrates, manufacturers find themselves limited in their choices as these variants require extra care. The following post takes a look at the different types of concentrate containers you can use for your CBD oil product.

Types of concentrate containers for CBD oil products

Concentrate containers for CBD oil products can mainly be divided into three types:

Puck containers



Puck containers

Puck containers are fairly common for CBD oil products. They come in different material profiles, including silicone, acrylic and glass. Silicone puck containers make for arguably the best storage containers in this category since they offer premium insulation to the oil product and near-indestructible ruggedness.


Vials used for packaging CBD oil products are typically made from either acrylic or glass. They beat puck containers in presentation, giving the product a premium look and feel. Acrylic vials are the most affordable storage options for packaging CBD oil products. The downside to acrylic vials is that they may leach chemicals into the contents over longer storage periods. For this reason, many CBD oil manufacturers prefer to use glass vials, which, although are relatively more expensive than acrylic vials, offer better storage characteristics.


Syringes are the best practical containers for packaging CBD oil. They are easy to use, minimize product loss and cost fairly cheap. That said, they lack the sophistication and packaging aesthetics of puck containers and vials. They are usually made from glass or acrylic.

Buy concentrate container for your CBD oil product

Here, at premium vials, we sell all types of concentrate containers for packaging CBD oil products. Our concentrate containers are made from the highest quality materials and are tested to the strictest standards of quality assurance. Available in different colors and sizes, our CBD oil concentrate containers offer you the best selection of packaging containers in the market. Contact us today to discuss your CBD oil packaging needs.

12th Aug 2019

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