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Important Points to Remember When Deciding on Packaging for Biscuits, Chocolate and Confectionery

For anyone in the food biz, you already know by now how perishable food is. And when it comes to chocolate, biscuits and different forms of confectionary, even a single bad ingredient can make the whole supply unusable. This is probably why packaging is a primary focus of many in the food industry.

Aesthetic and branding aside, the quality of the packaging matters most, and not just so products last till their expiry date!

Understanding the Properties of Food

Let’s just take chocolate as an example.

Chocolate has specific storage requirements. With a melting point of 88°F (31°C) and a burning point of 125°F (52°C), it needs to be kept in certain conditions and in a dry place, since it doesn’t mix well with other liquids and moisture. For this, the ideal conditions should be between 50°F–70°F, with about 50 percent humidity.

Additionally, chocolate must be kept well-insulated, since it can easily absorb odors. Environmental factors such as air and light can also cause chocolate to oxidize, which can drastically alter its flavor. As such, chocolate must be kept away from sunlight, and tightly sealed so nothing affects it.

So let’s say you have a chocolate product. To ensure its quality, you’ll need a plastic or paper packaging that is not only high-quality, but durable as well. If you decide to add further layers, it will work in your favor. The more your chocolate is protected, the greater its shelf-life will be.

Layering is Important

This is why you often find products like biscuits and confectionery, among others, wrapped in double and triple layers.

Strong enough to protect the product from environmental factors as well as external elements like dust and insects, layering options include pouch bags, protect foils, as well as coated paper or aluminum foil.

This provides extra protection against ultraviolet rays, as well as insects, which sometimes are able to break through plastic products.

Additional Measures

In addition, heat-resistant packaging can also protect your product.

While you may already be using multiple layers to keep your food from breaking due to shocks or vibrations, the heat-resistant packaging functions as a great insulator.

At present, aluminum foil is considered the ideal choice, since it can be used for any food, is easily available in metal sheets, and can be manipulated into sheets of various thicknesses.

However, with time, it is expected that materials of different types will be made available for food packaging.

Most industries are also doing away with paper packaging, given that paper packaging is not that heat-resistant to begin with.

Choosing the Right Packaging

If you’re in need of quality wholesale bags, bottles and more, Premium Vials can help.

As a leading purveyor of all things containers and storage, Premium Vials can provide you with the products you need for storing food and perishable goods. Make the right choice and confirm your order. Present your product in the best packaging and make a good impression on your consumer base!

2nd Apr 2020

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