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Learning about Amber vs. Ultraviolet Glass Bottles

To the average consumer, the difference between amber bottles and darker ultraviolet bottles might have more to do with aesthetics than anything else.

However, when you get into the science of it, you realize how both have specific qualities that make them a great option for storing products that are perishable.

Learning about UV vs. Amber Colored Bottles

Each color of light has a different frequency. Some forms of light are detrimental to human health, but can actually be useful in other instances.

For instance, a blue or cobalt glass bottle absorbs all but blue light. Red glass does the same for all but red light. But with perishable products like medicine, food or beverages, no light is allowed to permeate through the storage container.

Where Do You Use Ultraviolet Glass Bottles?

With products that have to be completely protected from the spectrum of light, ultraviolet glass bottles are used to store them.

Though they appear black, these bottles are actually violet when you hold them in front of light, and are the perfect option for storing products that need to be protected from water and air.

These bottles only let UV light pass through them, while keeping them protected from any external pathogens or bacteria.

Where Do You Use Amber Glass Bottles?

Amber bottles do the opposite. They keep UV light away from all contents, while allowing white light, i.e., visible light to come in.

A common option for liquids and other products, amber bottles also protect products from blue light, and are a sanitary option as well. Given their natural structure, amber bottles do not allow any chemicals to leach into their product, a quality often associated with plastic containers.

As such, for those who worry about contamination, amber glass bottles work as the perfect storage alternative.

Interested in Using Either Product?

Premium Vials is a leading company that offers glass, plastic and other containers wholesale for very affordable prices.

Available for storing all products, from perfumes to pharmaceuticals, our vials and containers are made with top quality material to ensure customer satisfaction.

We offer both amber glass bottles, ultraviolet plastic bottles and more. So, buy them today from Premium Vials and use their qualities to keep your products protected from the elements.

2nd Apr 2020

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