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Marijuana Vials – The Ideal Packaging for the Pot!

In light of the many packaging regulations, ever-changing rules, laws, and restrictions that the cannabis industry has to face, business owners are always on the hunt for a completely optimal packaging solution.

With an array of different options such as plastic, silicone, acrylic, cardboards, glass, and more available, it can get harder to figure out which one’s the ideal for packaging marijuana.

When it comes to packaging pot, importance must not only be placed on aesthetics, but also on keeping the flavor, freshness, and potency of the product intact. Through trial-and-error, the industry has deemed glass vials as the ideal solutions for storing cannabis. Here’s why:

Glass is a More Safe and Effective Packaging Solution

Storing marijuana is plastic bags or plastic medicine jars will eventually make the product useless. The static charge buildup inside a plastic container runs the risk of frying the product and lowering its potency. Glass vials are the best options because they don’t have static like plastic containers, and they don’t affect the product’s taste like metal containers do. It is made of nonporous material so that the contents inside stays safe of the elements, and it also gives the product a longer shelf life.

Glass Vials Make For a More Visible Product

A very important factor that influences a buyer’s purchase decision is getting to see what the actual product looks like. For states that require the cannabis to be stored in containers which are fully sealed until they’re purchases, knowing what the contents inside the container look like can help customers choose the right strain.

Glass Vials Promote Your Brand’s Image

Glass vials have the added value of giving off a more aesthetically pleasing look than other options. This is why a lot of brands consider glass as the ideal storage solution. Moreover, glass is not a throwaway item and people usually tend to keep it; a custom glass vial with your brand’s logo on it will still continue to promote your brand, even after its contents have been consumed.

Glass Vials are More Environment-Friendly

More and more brands are realizing the importance of promoting biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging options. Since glass is 100% recyclable and 82% of glass products are recycled yearly as compared to the 33% of plastic, glass vials are the right choice for a more sustainable storage solution.

For high-quality storage solutions, PremiumVials is the leading whole supplier of different types of glass bottles and custom glass vials. Call (888) 545-3117 for more details.

19th Jul 2018

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