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Packaging Design Essentials: Choosing the Right Font

You don’t have to be a master graphic designer to know that when it comes to package design, every single element matters, including the font. As one of the main identifiers of any brand, typography has the power to make or break your marketing campaign.

Take the utter unpopularity of Comic Sans as an example. Immature, fatuous, silly, juvenile—that’s all people see when someone uses it. And even if you choose something drastically different, and perhaps even unique, like Papyrus, the response can be abysmal.

In fact, this hatred for specific typefaces has become so well-known that even comedy shows like SNL have gotten in on the action with their skits. In simple words, typography matters!

So how do you make the right choice, considering that there are 200,000+ individual fonts to sift through? Here’s the gist of it!

How to Choose the Right Font for Packaging

-Identify Your Brand

Baskerville Old Face comes across as serious, grave, and perhaps even comically morbid. The Kristen ITC font, however, exudes a more childish, perhaps whimsical feel.

Each typeface and design evokes different audience emotions and reactions. The font you choose has to match the context and function of your business and brand.

Focus on figuring out what that is, and what emotion you want associated with your name.

-Learn the Basics

Certain fonts have become staples for various types of businesses. Clarendon is modern, clean but a little overused. Scripts are elegant, feminine, romantic and graceful.

If you can’t decide on the right font for your product packaging, studying the basic fonts used for different business may give you an idea on what you should go with.

But keep in mind, there are no rules that say you can’t use different fonts than the ones that are recommended for your brand. Examples of staple fonts for businesses include:

  • Finance: Clarendon, Gothan Narrow, Andrew Samuels
  • Wedding Photography: Anisha Script, Hunter River, Beautify
  • Design Agencies: Montserrat Bold, Helvetica Bold, Gotham Black
  • Fashion Blogs: Helvetica Neue Thin, Gotham Thin, Geosans Light

-Make it Readable

The body has to be readable. Fonts such as Parchment, Edwardian Script ITC and others—though aesthetically pleasing—are very difficult to read, and can negatively impact the reader’s experience.

If you have a particular font in mind, test its readability by setting your copy text to about 10px. If you’re having trouble reading the text, you might have a problem on your hands.

-Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Like we said, there are no rules or limitations when it comes to using different fonts. The only thing to remember, especially if you’re using a combination of fonts, is to create balance. Combine wild fonts with neutral fonts, and choose one according to how viewers respond to the design.

Decorate Your Product Packaging with Premium Vials!

In addition to providing a comprehensive selection of wholesale containers, bottles and vials in amber plastic, glass and more, Premium Vials offers printing services alongside.

If you’ve decided on the right font, and are ready to have your design printed, place an order today. And follow our artwork design specifications to ensure that your product packaging comes out looking perfect!

2nd Apr 2020

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