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Three Trends that Promoted Glass Packaging in the Cosmetic and Perfume Market

Contrary to popular belief, glass packaging in the perfume and cosmetic industry hasn’t been the standard for a very long time. But due to more efficient manufacturing processes and trends in the global market, the popularity of glass packaging as a primary choice for any and all beauty products has reached an all-time high.

The glass packaging industry is estimated to be expanding at a CAGR of about 5 percent. However, this is not independent growth.

As the beauty industry becomes more diverse, so do trends in packaging. In keeping with that, let’s have a look at what these trends are, and how they connect to the state of flux in the market!

Trend#1: Increases in Consumer Expenditure on Professional Beauty Treatments at Wellness and Grooming Centers

Professionals in the grooming and beauty industry have the most to gain from recent consumer focus on self-care and wellness.

With customers spending a significant amount of money on beauty and wellness treatments, players in the industry are providing specialized, unique products in glass packaging to take advantage of this trend.

Especially for color cosmetics that can be used at home, the demand for professionally designed products is fueling the need for better quality glass packaging for perfumes and cosmetics, a trend that is not likely to die down any time soon.

Trend#2: Luxury And Premium Packaging Are Becoming More Popular

In the beauty industry, each product has to be distinctive, so it makes an impact on the buyer; the quality needs to be engineered to promote a repeat purchase. The fact that it looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing is just a bonus!

Key players in the global perfume and cosmetic industry are expected to present premium products—as well as premium packaging—for perfume and cosmetic applications for this very reason.

Combined with unique materials like silk, leather, canvas, and more, glass jars, vials, and bottles are packaged to exude a sense of exclusivity, which allows the consumer to feel special when they purchase them.

Superior quality glass packaging also increases the chances of a product being recommended, which impacts sales in the long run.

Trend#3: Rising Integration of Brand Perfumes and Cosmetics in Developing Industries

Emerging economies are the next big target markets for the cosmetic and perfume industry. Countries such as Indonesia, India, and Nigeria, as well as many Southeast Asia, are just some of the fastest growing markets for premium cosmetic production and consumption.

Leading brands are taking steps to take advantage of this lucrative opportunity. As a result, the global cosmetic and perfume packaging markets are expecting to receive multiple consistent orders in the years to come.

Our Take!

As a leading wholesaler for all packaging products, from child-resistant bags to amber glass jars to empty wine bottles, Premium Vials is the go-to supplier for many in the beauty industry worldwide.

For us, the future is bright, especially given that the overall economy is expected to improve. With the added influx of influencer and indie brands, we expect that in the next decade or so, glass packaging will branch out into unique styles, which will become synonymous with certain brands. This will lead to a greater demand for lookalikes, as well as unique styles.

However, for any such products, you can be sure that companies like Premium Vials will be ready to fulfill all demands!

2nd Apr 2020

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